
Patriots Pro Bowler pays Eagles players ultimate compliment about their faith


Matthew Slater is one of the most underrated pieces of the New England Patriots’ historic rise, and most fans don’t know much about him.

Despite being listed as a wide receiver, Slater has caught just one pass in his entire 10-year career.

But he happens to be one of the best special teams players in the history of the NFL, being named an All-Pro four times in his career, earning seven Pro Bowl nods and being selected as one of the Patriots’ captains this season.

During Slater’s Super Bowl press conference Monday, he couldn’t help but heap praise on the Philadelphia Eagles, the team he’s preparing to battle Sunday.

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Cody Benjamin of CBS Sports asked Slater what it was like playing against a team that has many players unashamed to proclaim the their Christian faith.

“I really appreciate Carson’s [Wentz] boldness for the Gospel, how he represents Christ day in and day out,” Slater said. “It’s not only him, it’s Nick [Foles], who does that as well, Chris Maragos, Brother [Trey] Burton — there are a lot of brothers over there that stand firm for what they believe in and they represent the Gospel in tremendous fashion.”

Slater, who has also been very outspoken in his walk with Christ, highlighted that football is just a game.

Though the Pats take on the Eagles on Sunday with a championship on the line, what really matters to Slater is their brotherhood in Christ and spending eternity together.

Do you appreciate it when NFL players are outspoken about their faith?

“Ultimately, I know to them, and myself, that’s what’s going to matter for eternity, beyond the game of football,” he said. “They’ll be my brothers in the Lord for a long time to come, but on Sunday obviously we’ll be competing.”

The Eagles have made headlines all season for their faith, especially when wide receiver Marcus Johnson was baptized at a team hotel.

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Johnson was surrounded by several praying teammates, including Wentz, Zach Ertz, Stefen Wisniewski, Burton, Jordan Hicks and Foles.

Wentz also gained the attention of the nation when he honored a young boy with the nickname of the “Dutch Destroyer” who was buried in the quarterback’s jersey. Wentz now wears a wrist ban honoring Lukas Kusters, who died at age 10 from stomach cancer.

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The second-year quarterback has been very outspoken about his faith on his social media pages.

Despite the kind words from Slater, don’t expect the Patriots to display that same level of friendship and brotherhood during the game.

Come Sunday, both teams will be locked in and ready to battle for the Lombardi Trophy.

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